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China Radio International

v Sieg des Widerstandskriegs gegen japanische Aggression in China
v Quiz - Die chinesische Schatzinsel Taiwan
v Beijing 2008
v China ABC
v Die chinesische Malerei
v Traditionelle Wohnhäuser in China
v Chinesische Geschichte
• The Scholarships available for HSK high scorers 07-07 10:45
• Test Dates of HSK 07-07 10:44
• The Test Results, Grades of Certificates and Grade Criterion 07-07 10:43
• The Contents of HSK 07-07 10:37
• The Examinees of HSK 07-07 10:30
• The Usage of the Results of the HSK 07-07 10:29
• Countries of Conducting the HSK 07-07 10:28
• Institutions for Designing and Developing the HSK 07-07 10:27
• The Host Organization of HSK 07-07 10:27
• What is the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK)? 07-07 10:26